
Call for ideas – Arbroath Town Plan

A community driven public engagement exercise asking Arbroath residents for ideas for the Arbroath Long Term Town Plan investment was launched today Thursday, 12th September by the newly formed ‘Our Arbroath’ Town Board.

Arbroath was selected as part of the Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns spring budget announcement in March 2024, and has the opportunity to secure £20M.

The ‘Our Arbroath’ Town Board, which has been formed to develop and deliver a ten-year vision and initial three-year investment plan, consists of local community figures including Nevada Mitchell, Brian Masson, Fiona Doran, Lucy Byatt, Jack Cruickshanks, Ross Fitzgerald, Simon Hewitt, Jade Mitchell, Alex Smith, Victor West, Brian Cargill, Stephen Gethins, Lois, Speed, Barry Sellars and John Steele. Peter Stirling has been appointed as Chair.

The feedback received from this engagement will be used to help shape a compelling 10-year vision and 3-year investment plan submitted by late October ahead of the deadline on the 1st November. 

The first phase of engagement aims to gather ideas from the public on the key themes, set out by the UK Government.

Arbroath residents can now participate in an online survey to share their input or share their thoughts via a ‘postcard’. The survey runs until 3rd October 2024

‘Our Arbroath’ Town Board will be holding an evening event on 19 September at the Webster Theatre from 7pm, seeking input from residents to inform the plans to help transform the town.  

The Town Board Chair, Peter Stirling, said;

“This project will be driven by the community. Together, we have the chance to secure £20M UK Government funding to transform Arbroath into one of Scotland’s finest seaside towns. Residents’ participation in upcoming events is crucial to ensure that the 10-year vision and 3-year investment plan reflect our community’s needs. This is our town and I’m sure there will be some brilliant and innovative ideas on offer. Together we will make Arbroath great again.”


We are committed to gathering input from our community to ensure this project best reflects our shared values and aspirations. This consultation process is an opportunity for everyone to contribute their thoughts and ideas, and we welcome your feedback as we shape the future together.

