Our Arbroath


Arbroath was selected as part of the Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns spring budget announcement in March 2024. In June, Angus councillors appointed Peter Stirling as Chair of the new Arbroath Town Board after a search for the ideal candidate. This left just four months to appoint town board members and complete the full funding submission by the deadline of the 1st November including the 10-year vision and the first 3-year investment plan for Arbroath.

Despite these extremely tight deadlines, the Arbroath Town Board has made significant strides in a short period, working diligently to ensure that Arbroath’s future is shaped by a comprehensive and strategic approach. Since their first Board meeting on the 12th August, they’ve conducted:

  • 3 study tours of successful coastal towns
  • 3 design workshops
  • 2 Board meetings 
  • produced and agreed Board governance and policy documents
  • established this website and social media accounts 
  • held a large community consultation event 

The Arbroath Town Board’s primary goal is to submit a compelling 10-year vision and 3-year investment plan by late October ahead of the deadline at the beginning of November. 

Your participation in upcoming events is crucial to ensuring this plan reflects the community’s desires and helps secure £20 million in government funding. Forthcoming public consultation events will take place at the Webster theatre at 7pm on the 19th September, and 3rd October – please attend these and engage with us to help achieve the best plans which can positively transform Arbroath into one of Scotland’s finest seaside towns. 

Full details of the Long-Term Plan for Towns Programme and the process for the coming months can be found by clicking the button below.

More details on the Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund  can be found by clicking the button below.